take the first step
Lately, the inimitable David Whyte’s words have been balm for my soul. Today, his reminder to close in on one thing helped me muster what dwindling motivation I had to record this.
Sometimes we just need to start with something — the ground beneath our feet, a question, “ a small thing you can call your own” — to meet the world. Whatever it is, make sure it comes from the core of your being, and not someone else’s. That’s all that matters.
Move: 1 round Sun A x 2 rounds Sun B, totaling 10 minutes. This is a combined version of Sun Salutations A and B from the previous two days, with a few tweaks: an added half moon at the end, eliminated skandasana, and slightly abridged Sun A.
While this is recorded at double speed, the point is not to rush. Hold each pose and really ground down, so you can move from your center.
Start close in,
don't take the second step
or the third,
start with the first thing
close in,
the step
you don't want to takeStart with the ground you know
the pale ground beneath your feet,
your own way to begin the conversationStart with your own question,
give up on other people's questions,
don't let them smother something simple.To hear another's voice,
follow your own voice,
wait until that voicebecomes an intimate private ear
that can really listen to another.Start right now
take a small step
you can call your own
don't follow someone else's heroics,
be humble and focused,Start close in,
don't mistake that other
for your own.David Whyte, Start Close In
Message: Start with the first step, not the second or third. Don’t mistake someone else’s journey for your own.
Music Credit:
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