When life goes backwards, how do you forge ahead? You don’t. Let gravity make its descent. Sink, fall back. This is the universe forcing you to retrace your steps and go inward. A reminder that our journey is non-linear, with many cycles, directional shifts, ebbs & flows. In due time, the spiral will stop and you’ll step out once again.
Move: Focus on your center.
Knee to nose, arch spine —> knee to right elbow —> left elbow
Runner’s Lunge
Side Plank
Mountain Climbers (slow or fast)
Repeat left
Meditate: When the world spirals, center in the now. The present is all there is. Even what you’re remembering — memories, illusions — it’s all happening in the present. (Alan Watts)
Message: Life is non-linear. We grow unevenly — sometimes in one dimension and not another, two steps forward, one step back. It’s a necessary part of our journey.
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